Apprenticeships – what’s involved and how do I get one?
Apprenticeship programmes comprise the following elements:
1. Main Vocational QCF Qualification (NVQ)
This is completed through learning and assessment in the workplace and is designed so that the apprentice can demonstrate their competence and practical skills. The assessment will be undertaken by a Training Provider.
2. Technical Certificate
The technical certificate element of the programme is designed to supply the technical knowledge and understanding to underpin the vocational skill. This is achieved through a period of learning followed by a written and/or practical examination. The technical certificate for lift and escalator apprentices is usually the QCF courses BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Electrical/Electronic Engineering or the C&G Level 3 Certificate in Electrotechnical Technology, which require the apprentice to attend college on a day release basis for a period of time. The particular qualification may vary dependent upon the Apprentice Framework being followed.
3. Functional Skills (Key Skills)
This element is designed to ensure that the apprentice has the appropriate level of Communication, Mathematics and ICT skills and knowledge. All apprentices will need to attend a period of structured learning and pass examinations away from the working environment.
4. Employee Responsibilities and Rights
This is a work-based training and is usually assessed at the same time as the NVQ, but it can be done separately. It consists of a series of tasks aimed at informing the apprentice of their rights and responsibilities at work. It can also be used as part of the NVQ assessment or Functional Skills assessment.